Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!

48: You Belong to Me

Shirah Chante Season 10 Episode 13

The Power of Belief

Hi, I'm Shirah Chante. In this episode, I'm diving into the impactful concept of belief. I talk about how believing in God can create positive change, open new doors, and empower you to reach your goals. Join me as we explore the importance of trust and faith in your personal and professional life. I explore an original song I wrote called 48 as a profound love song from God to Israel.

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 Hi everyone, it's Shirah Chanté, Relationship Artist, healing hearts through the arts and helping God's people here with Relationship Rock. We are building relationships that last. Where I spend about 20 minutes or so to bring to you an original song I wrote. Please subscribe to this podcast and leave a review of your thoughts.

I'm so happy you made it back to Relationship Rock Podcast. If this is your first time joining us, welcome to the show. We're going to talk about a song I wrote tonight called 48 , and I'm gonna talk a little bit about my journey in writing this song. And so what I do is I present, or an original song I wrote sometimes I have a guest song, but most of the time it's a song I wrote and I just talk about the words in the song, the lyrics, the verse, and see how the song can help us.

In some way, shape or form, build a relationship that lasts, a relationship on the rock, on the word of God, on Jesus Christ, my savior. And I hope he's your savior. And if not, he can become your savior, all you have to do is believe in him, believe he died for you, believe he rose again, believe he is. It's the Lord, the Son of God, and confess it with your mouth.

Believe it in your heart. Confess it with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord. And if you really mean that, he knows it and you are a child of God. It's really that simple. You just have to believe it. The work. That we have to do on earth is to believe in the son of God. That's all that's the work.

That's what it says in the book of John, that the work that he gave us to do. It's just to believe, just to believe that's it. And Jesus said, will I find earth? What will I find faith on the earth when I return? That's how rare faith is now. that Jesus is asking the question, will I even find anyone who still has faith in me?

So I hope you're one of the ones who has faith. in Jesus Christ. I know I do. I've felt that faith inside of me since I was a little girl and I thank God that he's kept me all of these years. Now that I'm gray headed, I still have some, I still have some brown and black in there. I'm tricolor and  like the father to son and the Holy Ghost.

And so I thank the Lord and for keeping me and he's very faithful and he will keep you as well. So to Psalm 48, I have. I composed it and I'm going to play a little bit of the song composition and sing along with it. It's not it's probably going to change a little bit. That's what, the melody is not set in stone, but it's pretty close to how I want the song 48 to sound.

And then we'll go back and talk about the words and I'll tell you a little bit about my journey and how this song 48 came to be. So I'm going to put on my glasses so I can read the score and I'm going to play it here and sing a little bit. And it goes, you belong to me, belong to me, belong to me, you belong to me, 48, 48, 48, 48,

it is written. Now comes war.

See the signs in the sun, moon and sun. Have no fear. The coast is clear.

Have no fear. The coast is clear. And then it goes back into the chorus. You belong to me. Belong to me. Belong to me. You belong to me.

Forty eight. Forty eight. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, 48. Boom, boom, boom, 48. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. So, I have to produce this song. This song is actually going to be on my first EP. Ahhhhh! I'm so excited that I'm finally working on music and putting an EP together. So this will be one of the songs on there, and it's called 48.

Yay! Cheer Shira Shantae on for working on music. The first single is not going to be that one, I think, but it's, it will be on the EP. So this is a song, I was inspired to write for the nation of Israel, 48 is the year, 1948, it's a, it's a reference to 1948 when Israel became a state again and so that's why the song is called 48.

And you belong to me. Is this song is written in the voice of God. I love writing songs in other people's voices. It's not always my voice. So this is God talking to his people. You belong to me, belong to me, belong to me, you belong to me. So

God is a jealous God. I wanted to say that. Scripture is in Exodus 20 chapter 5. It's a part of the Ten Commandments. You probably heard of the Ten Commandments, huh? So I'm going to read Exodus chapter 20 verse 5, where it says, You shall not bow down To them nor serve them for I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children to the third and fourth generations of those who hate me.

So, I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God. And that's. Where this song 48 comes from, it's coming from a point that God is jealous for his people. Not just the children of Israel, but for those who also believe in him, who, who came in because of their faith in God. And so God does not want us to be entrapped with sin and trapped with the worship of other gods because he is the only God that you need.

He's the all power for God. He is the only one true God. And so he is jealous for his people. And so I wanted to talk a little bit how this song came about. I don't know why I'm sweating. I need to turn on my fan here. Ah, I don't think I have it connected. But anyway so if I'm shiny, it's just because I'm sweating.

I don't, it's really sweaty right now. What happened is when I was 48 years old, I'm not 48 anymore. But when I was 48, actually, no, I was 47. I was 47. And the Lord gave me this song, 48. And I was like, Oh, a song 48 I thought it was going to be something that I sang because I was turning 48 years old soon.

And so, uh, it kind of went like, it was kind of funny. It goes like I'm 48. Yo, it's really. And then it was like, um, um, it's not too late to show the world what you know. And it was just like this whole like memorandum of getting your gift out there to the world, no matter what age you are. Me being, in my late forties and I'm still singing and I'm still making music for the Lord.

Like, there's no excuse. You have no excuse. You need to get your gift out there and you need to perform it and do it. Okay. So, so the first song was like that was like a rendition of my, that's where my inspiration was, even though I did include References to Israel. Like, I have this whole big folder here.

This is all of the work that came from this Song 48. And uh, I did have reference to Israel, and I was talking, I had some biblical passages in there and whatnot. But it wasn't, I didn't really have the clear direction that it was actually a love song from God. It wasn't there yet.

And it is, I'm trying to find the original version. Because it's kind of funny. Oh yeah, here it is. I'm 48, yo. Hey, hey. Late bloomers, let's go. It's not too late to show. The world what you know. And then it goes I'm 48, yo. The gate is straight and narrow. Now you wait, now, you know, something anyway.

Okay. That's not the version anymore, but that was like what I was working. That was the original inspiration I got when I was 47 years old. And I was like, well, I got to get this song done. Oh my God. I'm almost 48. Okay. And then I. The song kept evolving and it went to other versions and I realized, no, this song isn't about me.

It's not about me turning 48. And so I, I kept listening to the Spirit.

And finally, and eventually I, I came to this point where, oh, this song is about Israel. And this song is about the nation of Israel being reborn in 1948. And, and so that's when the tone changed and it went from being this like, kind of. Fluffy, like, Oh, you can do it, late bloomers song to, Oh, this is a really serious song from God to his people, a love song and saying that the things to come and that he really wants them to know that he is God and to not fear.

And so you saw the first verse where I sing I, it is written now comes war. See the signs in the sun, moon and stars. So war is on the horizon. We see it happening around the world. We have been witnessing Ukraine and Russia for years now. And and Iraq, Hamas Hamas coming against Israel and Persia coming against Israel.

We are seeing these things rise up and these nations rise up against Israel, and so it is written in the Bible that war is coming and God said, see the signs and the sun, moon and stars. And so I was actually listening to a prophecy from a sister in the Lord. And her name is sister Barbara. And she actually said this, these are the words God gave her for

the nation of Israel, see the signs in the sun, moon and stars. And then I wrote, have no fear the coast is clear, have no fear, the coast is clear. And meaning, God is coming with help. For the nation of Israel, and then you belong to me, meaning I'm a jealous God. I am not going to allow my people to be wiped off the face of the earth.

It's just not going to happen, even though it might get scary and there are going to be some. fatalities and tragedies. That's how it is. When there's war, there's always going to be a death toll, but there's also a life toll. There's also going to be some people who survive and some people who make it.

And as we enter into these troubling times, when war hits our land, when it hits the nations around us, we need to remember that We belong to God, you belong to me, you belong to me, you belong to me, you belong to me. 48, 48,

48. And then so that's kind of like the, that's toward the end of the song. The rhythm changes up a little bit. So I just want you to be encouraged. Thank you for listening to this journey and my, and how this song 48 has evolved over the years from when I first started it and and it's now, it's a love song from God to his people, the nation of Israel.

And it's concerning. The time that Israel became a nation again in 1948 and the ongoing protection the Lord has and the love God has for his people, yes, he is a jealous God and he will watch over us and he will be jealous for us, meaning he's going to take care of us and he's going to protect us. And so father God, I thank you for allowing me to be the conduit of this song for allowing me to bring this song to the world and for allowing me to bring this song to life and for giving me a voice to sing it. And I thank you, father God, for those who will hear the song and who will, who I just pray that they will be inspired and maybe they will have tears and maybe they will feel happy.

Maybe they will feel elated and maybe they will feel comforted. when they hear the words of this song, and that I pray now that your people know that you love them, that God loves us. And yes, God loves you. In Jesus name, amen. And amen! All right, so That's the song 48. I want to sing some more of it. It's like, I know I got to play with it because it's not, like I said, there's a little, a few things I can still work on.

But like I said, I'm working on music this year. Thank the Lord. And so you'll be hearing some. Some, something dropped this year from Shirah Shante. All right. Remember to love God, love you and love people.