Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Relationship Rock Podcast Show is for anyone who really wants to build relationships that last. Love should be forever so break free from the make-up break-up cycle roller coaster ride of pain and happiness. The one day you’re up and the next day you’re down way of living is not healthy. So take these ideas inspired from songs to create the love and peace you desire in your relationships. Subscribe to this show to receive a new show every week. Visit http://www.shirahchante.com for more inspiration.
Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Dark World: Life for Life
Life for Life: Understanding the Law of Reaping and Sowing in Relationships
In this episode of Relationship Rock, host Shirah Chante shares a personal and powerful testimony about the law of reaping and sowing, based on the biblical principle explained in Galatians 6:7. She discusses the impact of our actions on our lives and relationships, using a song she wrote called 'Dark World' to illustrate the concept. Shirah Chante recounts her own experience with abortion and its heartbreaking consequences, urging listeners to consider the long-term effects of their decisions. This episode aims to inspire, motivate, and bless viewers by advocating for life and emphasizing the importance of following God's word in building lasting relationships.
00:00 Welcome to Relationship Rock
01:02 Introduction to the Show and Host
01:42 The Power of Music and Lyrics
02:41 Understanding the Law of Reaping and Sowing
08:24 Personal Testimony: A Life Lesson
14:41 The Consequences of Actions
17:38 Final Thoughts and Encouragement
18:41 Closing Remarks and Resources
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Hello and welcome to Relationship Rock. We are building relationships that last, and I am your host, Shira Chante, relationship artist, healing hearts through the arts and helping God's people with relationships. Here tonight with a song I wrote called Dark World, and the title of the show is called Life for Life.
So get ready to hear a powerful testimony about life for life. If you're new to this show, thank you for coming here. It's not by accident. I believe God brought you here to hear this message. And if you are returning, thank you so much. I really appreciate you giving me 20 to 30 minutes of your life. And I really hope that something I say will inspire you, motivate you, bless you and help you in your life, uh, with something that you needed, to discover, to understand, to know, to find out, and you will be able to use this information, in a fruitful.
Fruitful manner. So what I do on this show is I share an original song. I wrote just part of it. And, we talk about the lyrics in the song to see how we can build a relationship that lasts, build relationships, based on the word of God, that's how I found my relationships to work out, when I was trying it for myself.
Trying to do it myself, I realized that it really wasn't working. My relationships are just kind of like crumbly, crumbly, crumbly, like a, you know, like a cookie and, but when I started to really follow the word of God and, the principles in the Bible right here, I, it really changed my life and my relationships.
They started to be a lot better, a lot more sound. A lot less painful. And, it's because I just started following basic principles, like the one I'm going to talk about tonight. So we're going to talk a little bit about the law of reaping and sowing. You may have heard it as karma. What goes around comes around.
Ah, so, Put on your seatbelts and get ready to go. Welcome to the show. Thank you for joining. So happy to have you here. I'm going to play a little bit of a song I wrote called Dark World. And this song, I'm just going to play the bridge. And, and maybe a little bit of the chorus. Because that is the part that has the message on it that I want to talk about.
And so, let's see, it goes, 'Cause we learn to love when we hurt someone. So we reap the seeds, that make us run.
That's the bridge of the song. It's not very long. I'm gonna play it again because we learn to love when we hurt someone, so we reap the seeds that make us run, run,
run, run, don't stop the fight, fight a good fight. Run, run, run, run, don't stop the fight. Give your light to this dark world.
To this dark world. Give your light to this dark world
Okay, so give your light to this dark world. I want to just back up and go to the bridge and where I was singing, cause we learn to love when we hurt someone, this is very, very powerful. You know, it's just, it's like, and it's so true because what happens is, whatever we give out, it's going to come back to us.
Yeah. And it's going to come back to our life.
And if we give out something, that's not good. Something not good is going to come back. That's just how it is. That's the law of reaping and sowing. And I'm going to read it to you. It's in Galatians 6, 7, it says, do not be deceived. God is not mocked for whatever a man sows that will, he also. Reap. So that's the law.
That's, that's the law of God. That's the law of reaping and sowing. Whatever you give out in this world, it's going to come back to you in some way, shape or form. And you may be thinking, well, you know, I know I, I did something bad or I hurt someone, I hurt someone's heart. I cheated on him. But, you know, I asked for forgiveness, you know, God said, you know, if we ask for forgiveness, he'll forgive us.
And that is so, so true. So, so true. God always forgives us when we ask him to forgive us. That's, he says that in his word, but the problem is just because you get forgiveness. doesn't cancel, it does not cancel the law of reaping and sowing. It doesn't cancel the consequences. And I think that's what some people think.
They think that, well, when I ask for forgiveness, you know, it'll be all good. It is good. It's good. You should ask her for forgiveness, but the consequences are already. In motion and whatever you sow, just like a former, it's going to come back to you. So if a former sows, apple tree or apple seeds,
then apple tree is going to grow. Right. If he sows pea seeds, then peas are going to grow. And then you'll have to shell some peas. Like my Madea used to give us a whole bowl of peas that she got out of her garden and we'd just sit there and we'd shell the peas all day. It was fun. But that's what I mean by the law of reaping and sowing.
And I want to share a very personal story with you. How this story came true. This verse, Galatians 6 7. Came very, very true in my life. So, what happened was, and this is a very long time ago and I've since learned my lesson, so I'm just putting that, putting that out there. When I was younger, and didn't know any better.
My friend came to me and he told me his girlfriend was pregnant and he didn't want to have the baby.
Ah, this makes me cry. And, so he asked me to help him get rid of the baby.
And so he was my friend. And so I was like, I had some extra money. So what do you think I did? I helped him get rid of the baby.
Shirah, really? Could you? Yes. I helped pay for an abortion.
And I didn't think twice about it. You know, I didn't, I didn't know any better at that time. I kind of believed the hype, what they taught us in school. Oh, it's not really a baby. You know, it's, it's, it's just a glob of tissue. All the lies they tell you. I believe that.
And so years went by, maybe it was about 10 years, 10 years later.
And I had, this is. Later in life, my son was about maybe four years old at this time and I met a man
and I had been praying for a husband. I wanted to get married and I met this man and at a convention, a church conference, I met him. And we talked, it was a long distance relationship.
Well, anyway, long story short, despite my friend's warning, I had a friend and I was talking to her about this guy. And, and, she was like, don't go out, don't go anywhere with him alone. Don't, she was trying to help me. She's like, don't go out with him alone. And I was like, Oh, you know, it's okay. You know?
You know, we're both Christian.
Well, long story short. We weren't doing Christian things that night. Ended up going back to his hotel and we had sex. And little did I know, I was pregnant. Yeah, I got pregnant. Sure did. Out of wedlock. Woo!
Shortly after I got the diagnosis, the nurse told me, Yes, you're pregnant. You're, I think it's, it's been a long time since I was pregnant. I think it's the HC levels, H Anyway, whatever that hormone or that chemical is that tells you. They were like, yes, it's definitely positive. So I was excited! I was like, wow, a baby!
You know what I I was excited to be pregnant again. And, I'm gonna say maybe the next day, or the day after,
I started bleeding. Yeah. I lost that baby. And it took me into a very deep, deep, deep, Deep, deep depression. I started drinking again, drinking alcohol, closing my door. I didn't want my son to see me drinking. And I was just so out of it. I was just depressed. The guy didn't really care. He was happy. He didn't want a baby, you know, it was just bad.
And, as the time went on, and I sought the Lord about this and I was wondering, you know, why did all this happen? Why did I lose my baby? Why is, you know, I mean, the Lord is merciful. And so he told me, Galatians 6, 7, do not be deceived. God is not mocked for whatever a man sows that he will also reap.
Remember that story I told you about my friend? What did I do?
I helped him kill his baby. Yeah. And so what happened to me?
My baby died. God told me. This was a direct result of me putting my hand in the plow. To kill a baby. My baby, in turn, died. So this is one of the consequences of abortion. The loss of a child. And so that's why this show is called Life for Life. This stuff is very serious, you know? We don't think about it when it's happening, and when you're in the throes, and you're thinking, Oh, it's not time for a baby now.
I don't, I don't have, you know, I don't want to do this now. See, we don't think about the consequences and what's going to happen later in life. It's, so I'm just here to dissuade you from having an abortion, from putting your hand in to kill any children. Paying for an abortion is, you're just as guilty, just as guilty as if you were the one who was having the abortion.
So, the time for judgment has come. For these things is now, you know, there was a time Paul talks about in the Bible. Well, there was a time where God turned his face and he looked away and, and, and he, and he was, you know, looked away at our, our ignorance. But now there's so much knowledge in the world.
There's so much we know that a baby is a baby. We know that abortion is murder. There's no excuse anymore. For that behavior. And there is a consequence for killing a child. In my instance, it was life for life. I lost my child and that was very painful to me. Now God healed me and I got over it and I know my baby's in heaven and I'm going to see her.
Yes, I know it was a girl. The Lord told me, But
I just hope I'm, you hear what I'm saying and I hope you make the right decision if you are pregnant, if you get pregnant, not to get rid of that baby, but to have that baby and trust God with that blessing, that bundle of joy, because the consequences, you don't want to deal with that. The consequences are painful.
And I'm speaking from experience as I just shared with you.
That's really what I wanted to talk about tonight. The Lord wanted me to share this testimony with you. I did not want to share it tonight. I did not want to talk about this tonight, but the Lord wanted me to share this. So I pray in the name of Jesus that you heard me and that you hear my cry and that you hear the cry of the babies and the womb.
They want to be born.
They want to be born. Lord God, give your people a heart to love babies and not to abort babies. In Jesus name, Amen. All right.
That is our show tonight. There is a blog that I have, shirachante.com. You can go and you can get some inspiration. I'll probably write a blog post about this show and you can read it and get some more help and guidance and, and light when you're making a decision about, a life decision as this one. All right.
Remember to love God. Love you and love people. The name of my blog, by the way, is shirahchante.com and I'll put the link in the description. All right. Bye bye.