Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Relationship Rock Podcast Show is for anyone who really wants to build relationships that last. Love should be forever so break free from the make-up break-up cycle roller coaster ride of pain and happiness. The one day you’re up and the next day you’re down way of living is not healthy. So take these ideas inspired from songs to create the love and peace you desire in your relationships. Subscribe to this show to receive a new show every week. Visit http://www.shirahchante.com for more inspiration.
Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
People in the Street: Dream
Dream: Inspiring Visions and Achieving Your God-Given Purpose
In this episode of Relationship Rock, host Shirah Chante, the relationship artist, motivates viewers to dream and build relationships on a strong foundation with Jesus Christ. In commemoration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy, Shirah reflects on the importance of dreaming and shares her personal journey of rediscovering her dream to sing for the Lord. She performs her inspiring song 'People in the Street' and encourages listeners to revive and act upon their dreams, no matter the challenges they may face.
00:00 Welcome to Relationship Rock
00:43 Building on a Strong Foundation
02:00 Celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
03:29 The Power of Dreams
03:46 Introducing 'People in the Street'
06:49 Reviving the Dream
16:56 Encouragement to Pursue Your Dreams
19:59 Final Thoughts and Farewell
Follow Shirah Chante
People In the Street: Dream
Hello everyone. Welcome, welcome to Relationship Rock. We are building relationships that last. I'm your host, Shirah Chante, relationship artist. Healing hearts through the arts and blessing God's people with relationships here to bless you tonight. We're going to dream tonight.
We are building relationships on the rock. The rock is Jesus Christ, the rock of our salvation. That's what it says in the Psalms. And Jesus says, if you build your house on the sand, when the tornado comes or a hurricane. Then it'll just fall away and blow away. But if you build your house on a strong foundation, the rock, the rock of God on stone, when that hurricane comes, when that Tornado comes, then it won't be blown away in the wind that it'll stand.
And the word of God is something that you can definitely stand on it. It will never fail you never, ever, ever, not in a million kazillion years, not in all eternity, the word of God will never pass away. Every jot and every tittle will be fulfilled in this world, in this lifetime.
All right, that's good news. Hey, that is good news. Thank you, Lord. And I am in the dream mood today because tomorrow in America is Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. So we celebrate the life and legacy of Martin Luther King Jr., who was a civil rights activist, who fought for equality amongst the races in the United States of America.
So back in the, before, prior to the 70s, in the 60s, there was this whole long struggle. Because there was segregation and there was all of these unequal things happening in the USA regarding black people, white people, and, and so there was some disparity. And so, Dr. Martin Luther King, he had a dream, you know, you may have heard that, if you haven't, go on YouTube and look up Martin Luther King, I have a dream speech.
It's a wonderful speech and it will definitely inspire you. But his dream was that we could all live together and equally that we don't have to be separate and having all of these weird nuances, as if there was something wrong with another person simply based upon the color of their skin. And so, thank you for his life, and he died for that cause.
And, and, but I want to talk about his dream tonight. And not just his dream, but just dreaming. Dream. The name of this show tonight is Dream. And that is a command. I am telling you to dream. And so, tonight I want to share my dream and I want to share a song. The name of this show is people in the street.
That's the name of the song I want to share that God gave me. And it's significant to this topic of dream. And I'm going to play the song a little bit of the song, the first verse and then we're going to talk about the words in the song. We're going to talk a little bit about what it means to dream.
Don't stop dreaming, dream on. And so people in the street and I'm going to play the song and I always think I'm going to have be in the right position. Okay. And let's see, here we go.
This is People in the Street.
We were on vacation, dead bodies in the ocean, little boy got a machine gun. We just want to have some fun.
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh There's people in the street People in the street people in the
street A big lion has taken over me. I feel like singing that one more time.
We were on vacation, dead bodies in the ocean. Little boy got a machine gun. We just want to have some fun. Oh, oh, oh,
oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. People in the street. There's people in the street. There's people in the street. A big lion has taken over me.
There's people in the street. That's the name of this song and those people need us. They need your dream. They need my dream. And that's the message in this song. And the reason I chose this song, People in the Street, is because this is the song that God gave me to reawaken my dream. The dream that he gave me when I was 25 years old in divinity school, living in Rochester, New York, I was standing in the living room of my apartment on campus.
And the Lord whispered to me, you're going to sing for me. And I was like, Whoa, what? And he said it again, you're going to sing for me. And so I thought, okay. And so I, on faith, acted on faith on that word of the Lord. I went out, I got, I hired a vocal coach. I bought a guitar. I went all out. I went all out.
Well, I was in divinity school and it was great. It was great beginnings. I got online and looked up guitar lessons and yeah, I, I played a little guitar when I was a child, so I knew that I could play it, it's just, I. You know, it was, I hadn't played it in years, but I did all that because I believe the word that the Lord gave me, I believe in the dream that God gave me.
And so, even though he just spoke it to me, it wasn't like I was sleeping and it was an actual dream. It really is. It's a vision and that's what I wanted to talk about. A dream is basically a vision. It's a vision for your life. It's something that you see, right? It's a dream. It's a picture. It's like a motion picture in your mind.
And you're like, Whoa, what is this dream? And, and, uh, Most of the time, I'm going to say dreams are good, but there are some bad dreams, but I'm not going to talk about bad dreams tonight. I'm talking about good dreams. The good dreams you have, you know, turn those into your vision for life. Turn those into your purpose.
Something that you can go towards, something that you can achieve, something that all those people in the street can see and, and, and look at and listen And follow you. There's a verse in the Bible that says Habakkuk, it's Habakkuk chapter 2, verse 2, and it says write the vision. So that those who read it can run with you.
They can join you. You know, if you're a songwriter, like I am, write the song and sing it, you know, so those can sing it with you. You know, there's people in the street. Come on. There's people in the street, help those people in the street. There's people in the street, a big lion has taken over me. And so.
That big lion is the lion of the tribe of Judah, and his name is Jesus Christ. And he's taken over me and he's given me a dream. And I, he, and I know some of you listening, he's given you a dream too. And so I'm just here to encourage you tonight in the spirit of Dr. Martin Luther King jr. Who, who had a dream and he went forward, he, he worked at it.
He struggled. He went through the struggle of completing it. And it changed the world forever. And so I, so one thing we need to know is that a dream might involve a struggle. There might be some work you've got to put through. It's like, because you hear the word dream and it's like, Oh, a dream. It's in the sky.
Oh, fairy tale. Oh, a dream. Yeah. Yeah. It's not quite Disney. Okay. It's a dream, but we have to pull it down. Okay. Into the earth realm, and we have to actually perform it. We actually have to do the dream. We can't just leave it floating on the skies, merrily, merrily, merrily going on. No, we have to actually make a plan to fulfill the dream that you have, that you've been given as a gift to fulfill on earth, in this world, in your lifetime.
And so I'm just saying all that because, you know, if you don't understand that there may be some struggle, there may be some tough times, you might be willing to give up. And so I want to help deter you from giving up like I did. Yes, there was a time when I actually gave up on singing and songwriting. I thought, Oh, you know, my son was two years old.
I was a single mom. I was working and, you know, full time as a teacher. And I just thought, well, maybe this is just my life. Yeah, this is, this is the life I'm supposed to do. You know, maybe God, you know, I really don't need to sing. No song singing in a choir is enough because I was a singer in a choir. For many years at church.
And so I just thought, well, you know, I guess that's, you know, maybe that's what God meant when he told me I'm going to sing for him, even though like really in my deepest heart, I, I felt like, you know, I knew that these songs he he's given me need to be put out there, need to be worked on and, and listened to and, and, to save many souls alive.
And so, but I gave up. I took my guitar. And it was very similar to this guitar. It was an acoustic guitar. My first guitar that I bought when I was living in Rochester, New York. When I was first given the dream by God that, I'm going to sing for him. I took that very guitar. And I gave it to a student of mine to carry on the Mission because I knew my student.
I had talked to him, I knew he was, he was in a band in his church. He was on the worship team in his church. And he wanted to, I think he played guitar. He wanted to learn, but he didn't have a guitar. And I thought, well, I have a guitar and I'm not even using it. And since I'm not going to, carry on with my songwriting and I'll just give my guitar away. And I did. And it was a great gesture and it was wonderful. And his parents were very appreciative, and they were very kind to allow me to gift him with this guitar. And, it was a good deed. So getting back to the dream, right?
So the reason I sang this song and I chose the song people in the street, Not only do I want to encourage you to get out there so the people in the street can get to know you and know who you are, who's ever in your, in your ecosystem, who's ever in your neighborhood, who's ever at your job, who's ever at your, in your work, whatever you do, at your school, whatever, whoever is around you, you can affect.
And so one night I was praying, I was up in the night and I was praying. In my little area, my office area, and this song came to me, it just, God just gave me this song, people in the street. And it was just like, I just sing it. We were on vacation, dead bodies in the ocean, little boy had a machine gun, a little boy got a machine gun.
We just want to have some fun. That was this, that was exactly what came to, I mean, it was just so, and I know those lyrics are kind of like, Ooh, this song is a little, Hey, you know, it's, it's, it's a, it's a picture of our world today. Some areas they teach children how to shoot machine guns, you know, and we just want to have some fun.
We just want to have fun. We're not, we're not trying to get shot. You know? But anyway, so this song came to my mind and, the Lord gave, gifted me with this song. And so, you know what I thought, you know, the first thing I thought, Oh, the Lord does want me to sing. He wants me to be a singer still.
And so this revived my desire, this revived my dream to sing for the Lord in a different way than just singing in a choir, but to actually sing the songs that the Lord has given me for the people, for the world. And so I'm still working on that. And I thank God, but he gave me this song just After two years, after I had given up and given my guitar away to my student, just up praying one night and the Lord says, come on, Shirah Chante, you got it.
I'm calling you back into the camp. I'm calling you got to come back. You got to come back. And it was wonderful. And so I, Went out to the guitar center and I, cause I was like, well, I need another guitar. So I went to the guitar center and I bought this guitar. I, this is the guitar I bought at the guitar center.
I still have it. And, and so I started writing songs again and I've been doing that ever since and, along with living my life and things. And, I just want to encourage you to do your dream. Some of you, maybe some of you have given up because things weren't working out. As planned, you came into some struggle, maybe you didn't have enough money or you didn't have the people to help you or someone in your family discouraged you.
You know, that can happen. That's happened to me a couple of times where people were just like, what are you doing? That's not going to work. You know, the negative people, I don't like negative. I don't like the negativity. So, well, I'm here to be positive to you. I'm here to encourage you and say, no, you can do it.
And, and just pick it back up, whatever that dream is that you have, pick it back up and do it. Dream. Let the spirit of this season of Dr. Martin Luther King holiday reinvigorate that dream inside of your mind. And I pray that you perform it. Lord God, let those who are listening revive their dream. Let those who are working on their dream, let them have great success, Lord God, all of them, Father God.
And those who don't know if they have a dream, Lord, I pray that you make it plain to them, that they can see the vision that you have given them for their life. And they can do it. They can write it down and people will join them and help them. In Jesus name. I pray. Hey, man. And a man, I just really want to sing that song again.
You guys want to hear it? I don't know. I just, I don't know. I just feel like, I just feel like singing it. This song is called people in the street. And so I'm going to play it one more time because it's just such a good song. I just like it. And here we go.
We were on vacation, dead bodies in the ocean, little boy got a machine gun. We just want to have some fun.
Uh, Oh, Uh, Whoa, Oh, Oh. People in the street. There's people in the street. And they need you. People in the street. A big lion has taken over me.
All right, the people in the street are counting on you. They're counting on you to fulfill your dream. And so am I. I want to know your dream. I want to see you do it. I want to see you perform it. And I want to run with you. Okay, until next time, remember to love God, love you, and love people.