Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Relationship Rock Podcast Show is for anyone who really wants to build relationships that last. Love should be forever so break free from the make-up break-up cycle roller coaster ride of pain and happiness. The one day you’re up and the next day you’re down way of living is not healthy. So take these ideas inspired from songs to create the love and peace you desire in your relationships. Subscribe to this show to receive a new show every week. Visit http://www.shirahchante.com for more inspiration.
Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Righteous Forsaken: Light of the World
Light of the World: Embracing Love and Peace Amidst Tragedy
In this heartfelt episode of Relationship Rock, Shirah Chanté, the Relationship Artist, shares an original song, 'Righteous Forsaken', inspired by her experiences and faith. She discusses the power of love and peace during difficult times, such as her personal struggles during her divorce, and the recent tragic fires in California. The episode emphasizes the importance of being the light of the world by performing good deeds, offering support, and maintaining faith. Listeners are encouraged to visit her blog for more uplifting content.
00:00 Introduction and Purpose
00:55 Personal Story of Love and Peace
02:48 Addressing the California Fires
04:14 Righteous Forsaken: The Song
06:13 Performing Righteous Forsaken
10:05 The Light of the World
15:43 Encouragement and Conclusion
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Righteous Forsaken: Light of the World
Hi everyone, it's Shirah Chanté, Relationship Artist, Blessing God's People, here with Relationship Rock. We are building relationships that last, where I spend about 15 minutes or so to bring to you an original song I wrote to help you. Build relationships that are loving and peaceful. Leave a review of your thoughts and subscribe to this podcast.
Let's get started with today's song. Well, well, well, how are you doing? Love and peace, love and peace. I can remember when the Holy Spirit. Whispered that in my ear. I was standing in the hallway. I can still see it right now. I was in the home of my ex husband and it wasn't very peaceful in our union at this time, some things were not right and there was a lot of tension and the Holy Spirit just whispered to me, love and peace, love and peace.
And just intuitively, I just knew right then what he meant, be loving and be peaceful. And from that point on, I, I was in peace, even though the situation had not changed. And in fact, got even worse. My heart, my mind, my soul was in a peaceful state. I was able to maintain love in my heart and peace.
Throughout our relationship, our separation and ultimate divorce, even though it was very hard and some things happened that are a great loss to me. Love and peace, love conquers all. There's nothing higher than love. God is love. And so my heart goes out to those affected by the fires in California. I live in California.
I live in Los Angeles. The area, one of the areas, Pacific Palisades, I spent a lot of time in because my children, both of my children went to schools in Pacific Palisades. So I know that area very well, have friends there who were affected and it's really sad. Whenever anyone loses anything, especially their home, it's sad.
It doesn't matter if they're rich or poor. If you have a home and it gets burned to the ground, that's a very, very tragic loss. And that's going to affect a person's heart, mind, soul, being. And so there's a lot of pain. And I can remember a story. My son told me, he met a lady and, she lives in, or she lived.
in Pacific Palisades and her house burned down and she was crying and he told me she was crying and it's a hard time right now for many, many people. And so the title of our show tonight is Righteous Forsaken, Light of the World. This is a beautiful time to be the light of the world. We should be giving our love and our peace and our light to those who need us, not only here in California, but all over the world.
We have, there's so many things happening in this world today that are tragic. And that's just the world we weave. That's the world we live in. And, I'm afraid this is not going to be the end. I mean, this is a whirlwind of a way to start 2025. Here in California. And so, I would pray it gets better, but I kind of was in shock the entire week, so I really hadn't had a chance to really take it all in.
And, just today I became a little somber and I was just talking to different people about friends I have and trying to see if they're okay. And, but, I think it just now hit me, but this is really, really tragic. I listened to some ministers and talking about it and I'm like, yeah, this is, this is a bad, bad, bad time in a lot of people's life here. So light of the world is what we are. Jesus says we are the light. of the world. And I'm going to get to that scripture. It's in Matthew chapter five in just a moment. So the song tonight is Righteous Forsaken. That's the title of our show. And Righteous Forsaken is a song I wrote, uh, some years ago and it, when I played it, uh, it touched a lot of people's hearts.
So I figured it was an appropriate song to play in the midst of what's happening. So I'm just going to. probably play the first verse and then we'll talk about it. We'll see how this song can help us build relationships that last. I have to get up a little bit. Okay, let me think about that. So hopefully you can still see me.
Let me see if I can adjust. Okay, here we go.
I'm in a really uncomfortable position, so I'm trying to move, so I can play the guitar correctly. Oh, okay. Here we go. This is much better. Bear with
me. Here we go. You have little
You have little, but you are right.
All my money, can't buy your life.
I am broken, you are whole.
You're not afraid.
To love my soul. Been a lot of places. Seen a lot of pretty faces. Man.
but you,
I never seen the righteous forsaken. Said I never seen the righteous forsaken. Oh, I never.
Sing the righteous forsaken,
why are you begging
for bread?
I'll stop there. Alright, so that's righteous forsaken. You have little, but you are right. All my money can't buy your light, the light of the world. That's what we're talking about tonight. All the money in the world can't buy light, all the money in the world. There are so many people who are out of light, out of lights.
I kept getting messages from the light company here in Los Angeles saying, we're, we're doing our best to restore light for houses and some neighborhoods. And you just, there's no amount of money that can buy light. That is inside your soul when you are a believer in God, in the Lord, Jesus Christ.
And Jesus tells us that we are the light of the world. So in Matthew chapter five, verse 14, you are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp. Put it under a bowl. Instead, they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. And the same way, let your light shine before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven.
So what are we to do? We are to let our light shine before others. Why? So that people can see it! Hello? So many people need this light. What is this light? It's our good deeds. The light are our good deeds. Your good deeds that you do when you forgive others. When you treat others nicely, when they treat you wrongly, when you help others out, when you give, when you pray for others, when you sing a beautiful song, when you help someone out at work, whatever your good deed is.
That's your light and you are doing, you do those good deeds, people will see and they will glorify God. That is so beautiful. So don't get discouraged. Don't stop putting out your light. You might seem like you're not benefiting or you're not getting paid for this, but there is an account laid up for you.
In heaven, God sees all the good that you are doing. So do not get weary in doing what's right because in due season, you shall reap. That's in the Bible. In due season, there's a season for you. To reap the goodness, the light that you are putting out to the world, the good deeds that you are putting out to the world, you will reap whatever a man sows that he shall reap.
And I know it's time for many of you. It's time for me to start reaping those good deeds that we've been putting out over the years, following God through the good, through the bad, through the ups, through the downs. When we've stayed with our God, we have loved our God and He has loved us. We're still here.
We're going strong. Many of you are doing well. You have a place to live. You have food to eat. There are some people who can't say that. People who just got their house burnt down. They may not have a place to live tonight, so we should be grateful for what we have been given, the life we have been given and continue to be that light.
You are the light of the world, it says. So what? You cannot be hidden. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Or a bushel, they say. Instead, they put it on its stand and it gives light to everyone in the house. So you're not to hide. No, you have to go forth.
You have to get out there, get out in the world and do what you're supposed to do. You shouldn't be hiding. Because the world needs you, the world needs you. The world needs me. The world needs us. It needs the light of Christ, the light of Jesus Christ, especially in these hard times, especially when things aren't going so well, especially when things are awry.
So I just pray for everyone listening that you will shine forth your light, that you will continue to do good deeds, that you will grow weary in well doing because in due season, in due time, you shall reap a harvest. In Jesus name, and I just want to let you know that on, you can visit me on my blog shirahchante.com.
com. I have more poetry and things there to share, and it's really what I had on my heart tonight. I knew it wasn't going to be a long show tonight. I just wanted to get on and pray for the people here in California. Encourage you, encourage you, and remember to love God, love you, and love people.
I'll see you next time. Bye bye.