Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Relationship Rock Podcast Show is for anyone who really wants to build relationships that last. Love should be forever so break free from the make-up break-up cycle roller coaster ride of pain and happiness. The one day you’re up and the next day you’re down way of living is not healthy. So take these ideas inspired from songs to create the love and peace you desire in your relationships. Subscribe to this show to receive a new show every week. Visit http://www.shirahchante.com for more inspiration.
Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Just a Man: Looking for Love
In this heartfelt episode, Relationship Artist Shirah Chanté opens up about the divine design of romantic desire, sharing her original song "Just a Man" and personal revelations about love. Through biblical teaching from Genesis 3:16, she explores why women naturally yearn for partnership, while offering hope and understanding to those navigating their own relationship journeys. Featuring intimate stories, scriptural insights, and a powerful closing prayer for those seeking their divine match.
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Hi everyone, it's Shira Chanté, Relationship Artist, Healing Hearts Through the Arts, and Helping God's People with Relationships. So tonight's show it's called Just a Man. This is Relationship Rock Podcast.
We are building relationships that last welcome to this podcast. For those of you who have been here before, I thank you so much for coming back to listen to this podcast again. For those of you who are new, I pray you get something out of this and you'll come back, uh, and keep visiting this podcast. I started in 2013, when I was younger, I, the inspiration just came to me, uh, to, uh, start a podcast because the Lord had given me a mandate to help his people with relationships. And because God told me to help his people with relationships, I thought, first of all, I thought. Lord, are you really talking to me? Are you, are you sure you want me to help people with relationships? Because I've had some ordeals when it comes to the opposite sex. It hasn't always gone very well.
So I had to make sure I was like, Lord me. And he was like, yes, you know, he really said it again, help my people. With relationships. Hi. Hi, thank you for joining. And so I'm just giving my backstory on how this podcast started many years ago. And so I figured out that because I've gone through so much turmoil in relationships and I've overcome and I've made it through that I have a lot to share.
So in hopes that. You won't have to go through the same pain I've gone through. Or even if you are going through something tough, that something that. I say can help you through that situation. You can navigate that situation better so that you can get out of it. So you can fix it or whatever it is that will make the situation right for you.
And so that's my hope that you're able to have a good relationships, successful relationships, relationships based on the rock Jesus Christ. And so tonight's show. I'm going to share a song with you called just a man. I'm a little bummed out because I, I don't have the guitar part to this song.
And I really like playing my guitar, but that's okay. I'll I'll, I'm just going to sing the course for you. It's a very quick course. Uh, just a man is actually a course and a verse together. I wrote this song. Wow. Probably around the same time I started this podcast, at least over 10 years ago, it just, the chorus just came to me.
I didn't write the exact, all of the lyrics until this earlier this year, I went on a writing frenzy. Just, just the burst of just inspiration came to me because of what I, part of what I'm going to share with you and what I shared with you last week. For, if you didn't listen to last week's show.
Relationship Rock last week is on the song Perfect Body and I called it the issues of life and I shared with you how the Lord revealed to me. Who my love was, who, who, a man who loved me and I was in love with at one time, and I didn't really realize it. And so it didn't really work out like as planned.
And so because of that, relationship going awry, I had a lot of struggles over the years. And but first let me just sing the verse for you and I'll do my best to get the guitar part. This week, it's called just a Man. And he goes, life is just a man. Maybe his name is Dan or Stan, life is just a man.
Maybe he drives a big blue van. Life is just a man. Life is just a man. A good. Oh, a good, good man. So that's part of the song. Life is just a man. Oh my God. So that's kind of how I felt about life for so long, because I was searching and looking for a man. I don't know if you've ever felt like that, or is it just me, am I the only one who had these struggles in love?
And so I felt like over the years I wasn't being satisfied in love. It took me a long time to just, fall in love with someone. I really never really fell in love with anyone. It's like I, it's like I tried to force myself to love someone because I wanted to be in love. It's kind of weird. I hope I can explain it how I felt it because it's like, I wanted to be in love.
I really did. And so it, it's not like I pretended. I kind of imagined or I made myself believe, there you go. There you go, Shira Shante. I made myself believe that I was in love with a person so that I could be in a relationship. I basically, I was deceiving myself and making myself feel like I was in love because I wanted to, because I wanted to be in love, but in my heart, I wasn't really.
in love. I mean, I love the person like as a person, you know, as a man, but like in my heart of hearts, I really wasn't in love. I hope that makes sense. I really hope that makes sense. The Lord revealed to me and I, this year or in 2024, why I never really found the love of my life. And it's because.
The love of my life Was a man that I dated in college and I didn't realize that it's a lot, it's a, such a long and convoluted story. I'm trying to share it so that you can have some, uh, growth from it so that you can get something out of it. But basically, I'm not saying that there's only, you can only fall in love once.
I'm not saying that, you can definitely fall in love more than one time. And God revealed that to me that there, yes. If your one love doesn't work out, yes, you can get a replacement love or replacement, or you can fall in love again, he has options. God has options for you. So I don't think that, Oh, well, Oh, I didn't work out with the one who was supposed, I was supposed to be with.
So now, I just, it's not, I'm never going to be in love. No, that's not true. You can definitely fall in love again. So just know that, God revealed that to me as well, that even though it didn't work with the man who I was initially in love with and was the love that he had chosen for me, that there was another man that I could have been with, but I didn't get with that man either.
Well, I, I did, but it. We didn't end up together either. It's a very, like I said, it's a long story. Okay. So life is just a man. That's where the inspiration from this verse came from. Life is just a man. I just feel like if I could just have a man, my life would be complete. If I just had a man to love me, if I just had a man to hold me, and that's just a desire.
That God gives to women in, in Genesis, when, In Genesis chapter 3, after Adam and Eve fell in the garden, let me find it for you, , God told Eve, one of Eve's curses, I guess I can say it's a curse, yeah, it was a punishment for eating the apple or for eating the fruit, it doesn't really say that it was an apple, but we know they ate, we ate, they ate the fruit from the tree.
of the knowledge of good and evil. Let me just summarize the story for those who may not know the story or story of Adam and Eve or the story's not very fresh to you because you haven't read it in some time. So Adam and Eve were in the Garden of Eden. Adam made the man first. He made Adam out of the sand of the earth.
And then he took a rib from Adam's side. God performed surgery. He took the rib from Adam's side and he made Eve from the Adam's rib. He made Adam for Eve. I mean, he made Eve for Adam because Adam needed a helper in life. And none of the animals, God said, none of these animals, he had made all the animals, the hippos, the elephants, the lions, all the animals, none of them were a good helper for Adam.
So God took the rib out of Adam's side and made Eve a suitable. He says she was a suitable helper, help meat for Adam. And so they were put in a garden and they were told, not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but every other tree in the garden, they could eat every other tree, except this one tree.
So there was a serpent in the garden and the serpent started talking with Eve, started having a conversation with her and the serpent was really smart. The Bible says. And, he deceived Eve and made her think that eating the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil was the right thing to do, even though God told her not to.
So he told her that this tree would make her like God. And of course, I can see how she would fall at being a woman. And I can see how back, Oh yes, I want to be like God. Of course. Yes. Give me the fruit, don't eat it. So I'm not, I'm not blaming her. I probably would have done the same thing. You know, like, of course I wanted to be like God.
And so, but not realizing that she was already like God. So the serpent deceived her. She really thought she was doing the right thing. Adam came, and she gave Adam some of the fruit to eat. Adam knew this was wrong. He was not deceived. The man was not deceived, this is a pattern in life.
The man knew what was going on. But, I, what I believe is that his love for Eve, Made him eat the fruit because he loved her. That's just what I believe that because he loved her so much. And he was still in his pure state. He was, he hadn't fallen yet and he didn't want Eve to suffer alone.
And so he took the fruit and he ate it too. And so now we have two fallen human beings. And so God. Punished him. He punished a serpent. He punished Adam and God punished Eve. And so Eve's punishment, if I can find it. Let's see. Okay. Yes. And Genesis chapter three, verse 16, to the woman, he said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception in pain.
You shall bring forth children. Your desire, this is what I want to get to, your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you. Your desire, this is Eve's punishment. I guess you could say it's a punishment. Yeah, this is what God said. So the Lord, this is when they, ate of the apple or the, wasn't necessarily an apple, but a fruit, the fruit that they were not supposed to eat in the garden.
God gave each of them a punishment. The man's punishment was that he was going to have to, work really hard on the ground. Curse is the ground for your sake and toil you shall eat of it. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you, and you shall eat the herb of the field, in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken, for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.
So that was Adam's, Adam's punishment, that he was going to have to toil, work all his life, you know? That's what, that's just what it is. But Eve's punishment, and this is what I want to talk about, the song Life is Just a Man. Life is just a man. Eve, to the woman he said, I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception.
Meaning she was going to have pain, and pain you shall bring forth children. So that's why women, it hurts. I don't know if you've had a baby before, but I have, I've had two babies. And, yeah, when you start getting those contractions, it's painful. So that was because of what happened in the garden.
And so, your desire shall be for your husband. And he shall rule over you. This is what I mean. Life is just a man. Your desire, women, we desire a man. That's what this song is about. Life is just a man. Maybe his name is Dan or Stan. Like where, where is my man? Where is my husband? Life is just a man. Maybe he drives a big blue van.
Life is just a man. Life is just a man. A good, good man. And that's the fulfillment of our life. A man, I know I'm not alone in this. I know I'm not alone in this, but this is from God, your desire. Shall be for your husband, your desire. You're going to want a man, you're going to want him and he's going to rule over you.
That's what the Lord says. And so my lifelong desire has been for this man, for this husband. And I was wondering like, where is he Lord? What, what's going on? And I had so many questions over the years. Why I. I had so much struggle in this area. Why didn't I find the man to love me? and the Lord revealed it to me and he showed me that this relationship that I had in college was supposed to culminate in a marriage.
It was supposed to this, me and this guy. And, it didn't. And so after that, just, I went on a long struggle for love. And so this is where a lot of my pain came from because the relationship that the desire for a husband, this support. Man was sent by God, or I was sent by God to this man to be his wife.
And he was to be my husband, but that didn't work out. This is what the law revealed to me. Now I'm not saying he's my husband still. No, he has a life now. And I have a life now that's so it's not like, Oh, no, that didn't happen. We didn't make it work. And so, but that's what created a lot of the struggle in my life.
And I wondered why I was never really in love, but it's a lot deeper. But that's on the surface what happened. And so I'm just going to pray for you all in relationships, especially for women. Who are looking for a man who are looking for that husband and wondering why, why isn't these aren't these relationships.
Working like they should, or why am I not falling in love or why, what's happening? A valid question because, you should have a husband. I mean, there's no reason for you not to. There's none. There's zero. God created people. woman for man. And so if you want, if you desire a man, I'm not saying everyone needs to get married.
If you don't want to get married, I understand. But if you desire a husband, like it says in Genesis chapter three, verse 16, that your desire shall be for your husband. If you woman desire a husband, you should have a husband. And so Lord God, in the name of Jesus, I just pray for, the women here and even the men who are looking for why a wife that you will show them, that you will bring a wife to them like you did, like you brought, Rebecca to Isaac, that you will show the man who his wife is, who is a suitable wife for him, as you would show the women.
Who is a suitable husband for them. And when they find this man, or when this man finds them, or when you bring them together, because you will, because you're faithful, God, God will bring you in front of this person, who's going to love you, who loves you. And he will, and you will meet this person when they meet this person, Lord God, that they will make it work, that they will, it will culminate into a successful relationship.
They will understand that, yes. I'm in love with this person that it will happen that it won't go awry like my love did like my first love that you gave me that they will actually make it work and be successful. In Jesus name, I pray. I know I fumbled through that because it's a lot.
It's so much, and it's there's so much more I can share, but, and I will share as the Lord leads me, but life is just a man. I hope you enjoyed the course. It's only the course to that song, or the, actually the first verse. And, we'll be back next week. I apologize again for coming on a little later than normal.
I'll see you next time. Yes. Marriage is the ultimate sacrifice between man and woman. I agree. And it's a beautiful thing. And one thing else that you said that, marriage is going to be here until the end. Marriages are going to keep going. God says, marriages are going to continue.
Just like they did in the days of Noah. So they're going to, so if you're in a wedding business, you're in a good business, and if you're wanting to get married, there's someone for you. And then in Jesus name. All right. I'll see you next time. Remember to love God, love you and love people.