Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Relationship Rock Podcast Show is for anyone who really wants to build relationships that last. Love should be forever so break free from the make-up break-up cycle roller coaster ride of pain and happiness. The one day you’re up and the next day you’re down way of living is not healthy. So take these ideas inspired from songs to create the love and peace you desire in your relationships. Subscribe to this show to receive a new show every week. Visit http://www.shirahchante.com for more inspiration.
Relationship Rock. Building Relationships That Last!
Perfect Body 2: Issues of Life
In this episode of Relationship Rock, host Shirah Chanté, a Relationship Artist, explores the theme of love and relationships through the lens of personal experiences and biblical principles. Shirah reflects on her journey throughout 2024, sharing insights gained from her past relationships and the importance of guarding one's heart. She introduces her song "Perfect Body," which has evolved to reflect her understanding of love and connection. The episode emphasizes the significance of resolving past relationship issues to move forward and find true love. Shirah invites listeners to reflect on their own relationships and encourages them to seek healing and understanding through love and faith.
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Hi everyone, this is Shirah Chanté, Relationship Artist, healing hearts through the arts and blessing God's people with music, art, and poetry. Welcome to Relationship Rock. We are building relationships.
I am your host, Shirah Chanté, and I welcome you. For those who are returning to Relationship Rock, thank you so much. And those who are new, welcome, welcome, welcome. So happy you are here. We are building our relationships on the rock so that they will not wash away when the sand When the hurricane comes and washes away the sand, our home will not fade away with that sand and erode and go out and float into the ocean.
It'll be strong and it'll stay put because it's founded on the rock, the rock of our salvation, Yeshua, Messiah, Jesus Christ, and the principles he teaches. Amen. Regarding relationships in the Bible, there are some rules of love and love that we can follow to be successful in relationships. And it took me many, many years to figure this out and I'm still figuring it out every single day.
And I have so much to share tonight and it's, as I was preparing for this show today, it was. Very difficult, I will not lie, because the song that I am sharing is Perfect Body. And Perfect Body, if you watched the show last week, you know was about an encounter I had with the Lord Jesus Christ in the visit he, here on earth.
And if you haven't seen that, it will really inspire you. Go back and listen to it. Perfect body part one, it's called pure in heart. This show tonight is called perfect body part two, issues of life. So I have been thinking about the issues of life before I came live on air tonight. And, Oh my God. So much happened in 2024.
We're on the precipice of 2025. And so, you know how we do, we think about the year, how was the year? How did 2024 pan out for us and what happened? Good. What happened bad. And this year was a whirlwind year for me. I just don't even, it, from the beginning to the end has been amazing and it hasn't all been easy but it's been very eye opening and very wonderful and I'm so thankful.
To God for everything he revealed to me this year concerning my life and especially my love life, which I'm going to share just a little bit of that with you tonight and my song, perfect body. I revised the first verse to deal with this subject matter that the Lord, Allowed me to reveal to me this year and allowed me to understand why I had so many frustrations over the, over the years.
And so I'm going to share that with you. And, uh, it's very, very fresh. I was just working on it. So hopefully I can remember the chords and the lyrics. It's a very short verse, so it's not going to take long at all. I'll just start with the chorus.
You have a perfect body, you're a ten in every direction. Perfect body, that's my diligent inspection. Perfect body, you're a ten in every direction. Perfect body, you give me a portion of you.
I was feeling so hard when
I saw you. I dropped my guard.
You smiled at me.
I got you. Feeling fly.
You have a perfect body. You're a ten in every direction. Perfect body. That's my diligent inspection. Perfect body. You're a ten in every direction. Perfect body. Give me a portion of you.
There we go. It's coming along. It's coming along. So I just put those lyrics together tonight. So the original lyrics were about the Lord Jesus Christ and his visit to me that I shared with you last show. And it was about him riding his motorcycle and all this, but I thought I needed to make it more personal. And so I decided to.
make the song about my love, the love of my life at one point in my life when I was a teenager, my god, in college and how he felt about me. And this is what this whole whirlwind of a life has been for me in 2024. Uh, so as I have my year in review, I'm previewing my year and reviewing it, so that I can, come up with a good 2025 plan.
So basically, in when I was 18 years old, I went to college as many of us do. I went away to college. I went to New Orleans, Louisiana. I'm actually from Houston, Texas. I, was driven to New Orleans, Louisiana and dropped off, stayed on a dorm. I won an academic scholarship for doing really well in college.
I went to a historically black college of university called Dillard university, the blue devils. Not that I really liked that mascot name, but that's what we were. And I was a cheerleader. And I had a math class and in this, and I really didn't want to have this math class because I was more advanced. I had already taken calculus in high school.
And so I thought I just wanted to start with calculus but we went to the advisor and he said, no, just go ahead and start with algebra. I think it was algebra two. I was like, oh, I've already taken this, but I decided, you know, so I had to do what the counselor said. So in this algebra two class, I walked in and I saw a young man and I was like, hi!
Just instinctively. And, uh, this man actually happened to be someone I ended up dating and who I wrote this song about. And, uh, who the Lord revealed to me this year, so crazy, uh, that this man was the one who really loved me. I, I have been struggling over the years, uh, as I wrote in a song, I was feeling, uh, so hard
when I saw you, I dropped my guard. So. This is him. He's speaking. I'm speaking in his voice and because I once knew him very well. And so he was feeling so hard. You know, how young men are. They're hard. They're like, yeah, they have all this strength. They're strong. They're, Yeah. And, when he saw me, he's like, Whoa, all of that hardness melts away when you see the one you love, when you, these are signs of love, but I, I just want you to envision this and kind of understand this because I wasn't taught what real
love is and how to feel when I know I'm in love with someone. And this was the problem because I didn't know I was in love with him. I mean, I, I did at one point, but it just wasn't, it didn't totally click with me and him either. And so, uh, And it ended up being very painful for both of us because we didn't end up together because we didn't understand the love that God had given us for one another.
Because this love, true love comes from God. God is love and he made Adam and he made Eve. And so he puts people together and there is, I believe, someone for everyone. It's not just like, Oh, any, mini, miney, Mo. I mean, you can get with someone. You can get with anybody you want to, but that doesn't necessarily mean that's the one God had for you.
I mean, I've done that. I've been with different people, but it wasn't love. And so I just. It just hurts my heart what I went through and I don't want you to go through that. I want you, if you find the one you, when you, when God brings that one to you, because you will meet them. God is a good God. You're going to meet that person who is meant for you.
He's faithful. He will definitely make sure you meet that person in one way or another so that when you do meet them, you understand that this is them. And that you, you prepare yourself and do your best to make it work. So, uh, when I saw you, I dropped my guard. And so I'm talking about the guard over our heart.
You know, we have, I think we, you know, sometimes we have a guard over our heart, which is very, very. Good. It's very safe because you don't want to open up your heart to just anyone because everyone can't, you know, can't be trusted. It's not for you. So you definitely want to keep a guard over your heart in some way.
But with this person and with me, he was able to let it go because it was like, ah, a breath of fresh air. The one I was meant for, someone that can be totally open with. And if you feel like that with someone, just take a hint, take a key, kind of like write it down. You're like, Hmm, I feel different with this person.
I feel like I can be totally open with this person. Uh, and it's just an, it's just natural. It's not like something you have to work at. It's just. It's just there. It's just natural. It's a natural, God given love. So I wanted to talk about, Proverbs chapter 4, 23. I'm going to read it. And it says, above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it.
In the King James version, it says from all, from it is all the issues of life. That's why I call this show the issues of life. Above all else, guard your heart for everything you do flows from it. All the issues of life come from your heart. And so your heart is very important to, to keep guarded. If it's not the right person for you, especially in a love relationship, in a romantic relationship, that's a very close relationship to you.
And when you marry someone, you become one with that person. That's what the Bible says. And the two become one flesh. And so that's, you can't get any closer than that. And so, uh, so this, me and him, we met and we, he says, You smiled at me, said hi, so I got you feeling fly.
Fly is a 90s term for younger people. That means cool. He was feeling fly. So I got you feeling fly. So that we met each other in the nineties. It was the early nineties, like 93. Yeah. And, so he's filling flies, really, really cool that he has this, me, this lady he loves and, and like I said, we didn't really understand this love.
We didn't, cause we totally messed it up. It totally did not work. It, we didn't end up with each other and it was really quite tragic how it ended. But, that's why I want to share this with you because it's so just, it's painful. It's painful. So what happened was this year, 2024, so last year, 2023 on December 30th,
the Lord started talking to me and he had been talking to me about this person. I haven't really thought about this person much in 30 years. My God. It's And, um, the Lord started talking to me about him like two weeks before the end of the last year, like around December 15th, let's say, and I'm like, Lord, why?
Why now? Why do you want me to, he was basically telling me that I need to talk to him. And I'm like, why now? Why is so it's like, why it's so many years later, I didn't get it. So finally I gave in to what the Lord wanted and I I found him, I searched for him and we, we ended up talking on the last day of the year, last year on December 31st, 2023, I talked to him for the first time in over 30 years and it was crazy.
And the Lord just revealed so much to me through that conversation. And, and this toward the beginning of this year, as we kept in contact somewhat. Uh, and it was just so much so, so, so much that the Lord revealed to me about why I had been feeling the way I had been feeling over the years, over the years.
I just been searching for love and like wondering why I wasn't in love, and I just didn't understand why I wasn't falling in love, why I wasn't fault finding anyone to love me or who I really loved. And it was tied to this original love from college, believe it or not. And so you might have a situation like that where you don't know why what's happening and it may be because of something unresolved.
In a prior relationship, maybe it's not exactly like mine. Maybe it's not a teenage love. Like I had, we met each other when I was 18. He was 19 when I believe he was 19. Yeah, he was 19. And, and so it, it may not have been that early, but it may be at some point in your life, you love someone and something ended and it wasn't right.
The ending wasn't right, and this is what happened to me and this young man. The ending was not good. And so I had to go back and resolve that according to the Lord. The Lord wanted me to make that relationship right. And wanted me to, to contact him. And we talked and we, you know, made amends with what we had and understood what God had given us.
And, and so, um, I just want to pray for you that if this is the case with you and there is a past relationship that may be hindering you from finding true love, because that's really what was happening. I needed to clear the airway so that I could maybe find a true, a true love now, you know, like I could fall in love now.
Whereas before I couldn't because I had this baggage in my life, in my soul. And so you need to release that from your soul in order to move forward. You might have to contact someone like the Lord did with me toward the end of 2023, he had me contact this man and make amends, and get it right.
So that I could move on with life and so much has happened since then my life has really catapulted and I've been really pushed out into my destiny that I felt like was being held for so long It's just so weird how some things have such a big impact But love is God. God is love and so he takes love very very seriously and so For those who are listening, Father God, I just pray that anyone who has to have some unresolved tension Or struggle from a past relationship that didn't quite end correctly.
Maybe it was a painful ending. Maybe it was a tragic ending. Maybe it was a traumatic ending that they have the courage to confront that person and so they can be loosed from that situation and move on and achieve their destiny in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. And thank. God, I hope I did well with that.
I hope I did well explaining that it's tough when something's so close to your heart and you know, I'm trying to share it with you the best I can. And so next week we'll continue on with perfect body, uh, verse two. And I hope you're here and remember to love God, love you and love people.